About Zander Sprague
About Zander Sprague
Motivational speaker and best selling author.
Author Bio
Zander Sprague is an award-winning public speaker, author, and Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC). Zander has a mission to help millions of people learn how to take part in their own lives, become the person they dream of being, and find the courage to take their first step towards EPIC.
Zander draws on his education, training, and life experience to enrich the lives of people around the world. Some have called him the “God of Enthusiasm” because of his contagious energy and passion for Epic Choices, Epic Life. He looks forward to sharing his experiences and ideas with you in this book, his Epic Begins podcast, and through EPICbegins.com.

Zander worked in the corporate world for over 20 years, including with companies like Fidelity Investments and Intel Corporation as well for more than a few start-ups.
Zander is the author of three books. The internationally acclaimed Making Lemonade: Choosing A Positive Pathway After Losing Your Sibling and his second book Why Don’t They Cry?: Understanding Your Living Child’s Grief, a book to help parents understand sibling survivors ™, and this book, EPIC Begins With 1 Step Forward: Plan Achieve and Enjoy the Journey. He also developed 30 Days to a Positive Pathway™ a self-study program that helps people find the richness and fulfillment they seek. There is a growing list of programs, resources and community at Epicbegins.com.
Zander graduated from Pitzer College, with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in History and a BA in Psychology. He also holds a Master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling from Palo Alto University.
Zander is a Member of the National Speakers Association, American Counseling Association, and California Association for Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors.
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The result of things not going as expected is feedback, not failure