Course Exercises
What are the big steps you need to take? How can you break down your big goal into more manageable steps?
Vision Board
Vision Board
In this exercise we’re going to build a vision board. A vision board is simply a collection of pictures, phrases, words, things that will motivate you and speak to what your dreams are. Think big. Even if it seems unrealistic I want you
to go ahead and put any picture that motivates you. Perhaps it’s a picture of a dream vacation. Or lets say you want to write a book, then it’s perhaps a picture of a book. It’s the words “New York Times Best Selling Author.” Vision boards are very powerful because they put into pictures and words what our dreams are. What I want you to do is take these steps.
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Set and Achieve a Goal
Set and Achieve a Goal
What I’d like you to do now is I would like for you is to set a goal. You only have to do this for five days. Perhaps your goal is to exercise for five days straight. Or perhaps eat better for five days straight. The purpose of this exercise is for you to prove to yourself what I already know. That you can achieve anything you set your mind to. By only choosing five days we’re not building a new habit. We’ll talk about that in a minute.
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Letter to Yourself
Letter to Yourself
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Left, Right, Repeat
Left, Right, Repeat
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Yachts and Rowboats
Yachts and Rowboats
Yacht and Rowboats
Clayton, CA. USA
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