Course Exercises

What are the big steps you need to take? How can you break down your big goal into more manageable steps?

Vision Board

Vision Board

In this exercise we’re going to build a vision board. A vision board is simply a collection of pictures, phrases, words, things that will motivate you and speak to what your dreams are. Think big. Even if it seems unrealistic I want you
to go ahead and put any picture that motivates you. Perhaps it’s a picture of a dream vacation. Or lets say you want to write a book, then it’s perhaps a picture of a book. It’s the words “New York Times Best Selling Author.” Vision boards are very powerful because they put into pictures and words what our dreams are. What I want you to do is take these steps. 


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Set and Achieve a Goal

Set and Achieve a Goal

What I’d like you to do now is I would like for you is to set a goal. You only have to do this for five days. Perhaps your goal is to exercise for five days straight. Or perhaps eat better for five days straight. The purpose of this exercise is for you to prove to yourself what I already know. That you can achieve anything you set your mind to. By only choosing five days we’re not building a new habit. We’ll talk about that in a minute.


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Letter to Yourself

Letter to Yourself

What I’d like you to do now is sit down and write a letter to yourself. For example, Iwould say “Dear Zander,…” Obviously you would use your own name. What I wantyou to first do is write down all the bad stuff, all the stuff you don’t like aboutyourself. Next, in a new paragraph I’d like you to write all the good stuff about you.It is my belief that the good stuff will far outweigh the bad stuff. I want you to focuson the good stuff. If you remember I talked in one of my talks about believing aboutyourself unfailingly


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Left, Right, Repeat

Left, Right, Repeat

This exercise is really easy. It’s called: Left, Right, Repeat. I’d like to say I came upwith this exercise, but I didn’t I’m actually taking thisI was reading a book aboutordinary people training for the Iron Man Arizona. If you don’t know that isit’s a2.4mile swim, a 112mile bike ride, and then a 26.2mile full marathon. To say theleast it takes a lot to be able to achieve that, but once you do you can call yourself anIron Man. One of the people in this book said, “Left, right repeat” and kept sayingthat to themselves. I really liked that so I’m going to use that for us.


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Yachts and Rowboats

Yacht and Rowboats

Welcome aboard, friends! Today I’ll take you on a journey through the fascinating world of yachts and rowboats. Picture life as a river, with yachts cruising on the comfortable waters of denial, while rowboats brave the reality’s rapids. As a sailor with over 35 years of experience, I’ve learned that we all have moments on our yachts, avoiding challenges like taxes or personal goals. But when you decide to step into the rowboat, embracing reality, that’s when life truly unfolds. Let’s explore how to navigate these waters together and discover the incredible rewards that await. So, get ready to row towards a fulfilling life. I’m thrilled to share this adventure with you. I’m Zander Sprague, and this is Yachts and Rowboats!.




 Clayton, CA. USA

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