Motivational speaker and best selling author.

Zander Sprague


Zander’s mission is to help millions of people become the person they dream of being, and find the courage to take their first step towards EPIC.

EPIC Begins Now

Zander Sprague

Zander is the author of three internationally acclaimed books:

  • EPIC Begins With 1 Step Forward: Plan, Achieve and Enjoy the Journey
  • Making Lemonade: Choosing A Positive Pathway After Losing Your Sibling
  • Why Don’t They Cry?: Understanding Your Living Child’s Grief

He also developed 30 Days to a Positive Pathway™ a self-study program that helps people find the richness and fulfillment they seek.

A speech by Zander will make laugh, might make you cry, but will definitely  leave you feeling that no matter what life give you, you can MAKE SOME LEMONADE out of those lemons. You will walk away knowing that every day you have a choice about how to deal with your own life.

Zander is a Member of the National Speakers Association, American Counseling Association, and California Association for Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors.

Zander draws on his education, training, and life experience to enrich the lives of people around the world. Some have called him the “God of Enthusiasm” because of his contagious energy and passion for Epic Choices, Epic Life.


Published Books

Best Sellers

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Feed Success NOT Failure

– Zander Sprague LPCC

Get Yours!

Zander Sprague

EPIC Begins With 1 Step Forward: How to Plan, Achieve and Enjoy The Journey.


No matter your goals, EPIC Begins with 1 Step Forward offers a practical framework for improving every day. All you need to do is master the simple yet transformative habit of taking one step forward.
This book will reshape the way you think about success and progress. It gives you the practical steps you need to take to create EPIC results—whether you want to run a marathon, lose weight, write a book, get promoted, start a business, or achieve any other goal.

Zander Sprague

Why Don’t They Cry?: Understanding Your Living Child’s Grief


Zander Sprague was devasted when his sister Lucy was murdered. But he did not want to further burden his parents in their time of profound grief. Many families are at a loss at how to connect when they need each other most. Later, many parents asked Zander, “Why don’t they cry?” which prompted this book for parents and sibling survivors. This book will guide you through the troubling waters when you are facing your own grief and the grief of your loved ones.

Zander Sprague

Making Lemonade: Choosing A Positive Pathway After Losing Your Sibling

Second Edition

Zander met with a college friend whose brother had recently passed away. It was an offhand remark about not finding any books on sibling loss that sparked the idea for this internationally acclaimed book